Union fee halved for PhD students
During 2012 Sveriges Ingenjörer will work for better conditions for PhD students. That decision was made during the last board meeting. The biggest change will be that the union fee will be
Read More...During 2012 Sveriges Ingenjörer will work for better conditions for PhD students. That decision was made during the last board meeting. The biggest change will be that the union fee will be
Read More...We will meet on December 7 (next Wednesday!) at 18.30 at Rumpan Bar, Linnégatan 38b. This meeting will be hosted by David Bryngelsson and Niclas Mattsson at the department of Energy and
Read More...It’s time to nominate Your Supervisor to the honorable prize of “Supervisor of the year”. The prize is a fine academic merit awarded by the rector at the promotion ceremony on the
Read More...The General Assembly for The Doctoral Student Guild will be held on Dec 6, 12.00-13.00 in Scaniasalen, Student Union Building, Johanneberg. DS will serve you lunch if you register before Dec 1.