It is with great pleasure that the Chalmers Doctoral Student Guild presents the new Doktorandsombud (DOMB), Moyra McDill, Professor Emeritus from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Moyra has an extensive experience within research, teaching, administration, student project supervision, PhD student supervision and undergraduate student counseling. Her experience covers a vide variety of roles at Carleton, for example she was appointed Dean’s Advisor for Women in Engineering at Carleton, to address the issues of female students engineering. In her career she has had the opportunity to help undergraduate students with a wide range of challenges and the DS board believes that experience can come into good use in her work as DOMB, although the range of problems facing PhD student can indeed be different from those of undergraduate students.
Moyra moved to Sweden in January 2013 and has since been a visiting lecturer at the university in Skövde and visiting researcher at Chalmers. We in the DS board are happy she has taken on the role and look forward to our collaboration with her.
As we welcome Moyra we give thanks to our outgoing DOMB. After 10 years of service, Bengt Stebler has retired as Chalmers Doktorandsombud.
Bengt has, along with performing his regular DOMB duties, been active within the national network of doktorandombud and has for a long time brought attention to how some groups of students have disproportionately needed to seek the DOMB’s help. We in the DS board had the opportunity in October to thank him for his excellent service over the years when we met with him at the end of our board meeting where he was greeted with flowers. Bengt in return gave the board his last report on the recent DOMB activities. We in the DS board, on behalf of PhD students of Chalmers over the last 10 years, sincerely thank him for all the work he has done to help students in need.

Chalmers new DOMB, Moyra McDill, Professor Emeritus from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and outgoing Commissioner of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission standing in front of the full-scale reactor mock-up developed by Ontario Power Generation for the purposes of training for refurbishment of four CANDU reactors at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station.