Dear fellow PhD students,
It’s time to nominate your supervisors to the honorable prize: Supervisor of the Year 2022/2023!
The SotY is a revered academic merit which acknowledges a supervisor at Chalmers, who has shown excellent supervision qualities and a large concern towards his/her PhD students. It will be awarded by the Rector at the promotion ceremony in spring 2023.
If you think that your supervisor deserves the prize, send us their name together with a motivation letter (about 2000 words). Please include all members of the group (current and PhD students who graduated less than a year ago) standing for the nomination. Note that the supervisor you nominate does not have to be your main supervisor.
Nominations are open until December 31, 2022. Send them to: soty@dokt.chs.chalmers.se
After the deadline, all nominations will be reviewed by the Doctoral Student Guild Committee. The PhD students of candidates selected in a systematic process will be interviewed. The Committee will then recommend the competitively chosen supervisor to the rector for the Award.